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Does Exercise Help You Sleep Better? 運動可助您更好地睡眠嗎?

Updated: Jul 9, 2023

Exercise is good for so many things: It reduces stress, improves your mood, helps keep your body healthy, and the list goes on. But what about sleep? Does working out make people sleep better? The answer is yes! Exercising regularly will help you fall asleep faster and sleep more deeply—but it's not just any workout that does this. You'll reap the most benefits from exercising if you do it at least three hours before bedtime. If you've always assumed that working out makes it harder to get a good night's rest, read on for tips on how to get started with an exercise routine that will leave you feeling awake but calm enough to drift off into dreamland.



Working out helps people sleep better.

You know how it's really hard to fall asleep if you're feeling anxious or stressed? That's because the stress hormone cortisol is released in your body when you have those feelings, and it interferes with the quality of your sleep.

Exercise has been shown to effectively reduce anxiety by reducing cortisol levels. It also helps improve mood and sleep habits, which can also help you get more restful sleep. Working out at least three times a week has been shown to lower anxiety, improve mood and increase energy levels—all things that can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer! This is not to forget how it can help with mental health here in Hong Kong and beyond.





Exercise helps you get to sleep faster.

You can also get to sleep faster by exercising. Studies show that people who exercise a few hours before bed fall asleep faster and have more energy throughout the day. The key is to find an exercise routine that works for you. Exercise is a great way to relax your body and mind as you wind down for the evening. It doesn't matter if it's yoga or jogging—as long as it makes you feel good about yourself, then it works!

In addition to getting you into bed sooner, exercising before bed will help improve both how deep and how long your sleep is. One study found that those who exercised daily had a far better quality of life than those who didn't—and there were no adverse effects from exercising at night either!





It also helps you sleep more deeply.

You may not be aware of it, but your body goes through a natural sleep cycle every night.

The first stage of that cycle is light sleep, followed by deeper stages of sleep until you reach REM (rapid eye movement), when dreaming occurs. When you wake up in the morning, it's often because you've been in REM for several minutes at a time—the last stage before waking up completely.

In order to get better quality sleep, though, you need to make sure your body gets into deep sleep during the night—and exercise helps you do just that! A study from 2007 found that people who exercised regularly were able to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer than those who didn't exercise regularly.



該週期的第一階段是淺睡,隨後進入更深的睡眠階段,直到達到REM(快速眼動)期,也就是我們夢境出現的時間。當您在早晨醒來時,往往是因為您已經處於REM期好幾分鐘了 —— 這也是完全清醒前的最後階段。

然而,若想要獲得更好質量的睡眠,您需要確保您的身體在夜晚能進入深睡期 —— 而運動能幫助您做到這一點!來自2007年的一項研究發現,定期運動的人比不定期運動的人能更快地入睡,並保持更長時間的睡眠。


Exercising regularly improves your mood and reduces anxiety.

Exercise helps you sleep better in two ways. First, it improves your overall sleep quality. If you exercise regularly, your body will be more likely to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Second, exercising reduces stress levels, which can be a major cause of insomnia. In fact, studies found that people who exercised regularly had higher quality sleep than those who didn’t exercise at all.

Exercising also helps increase your energy level during the day so you can function better at work or school and not feel as tired or sleepy during the evening hours when it’s time for bedtime activities like reading or watching TV before going to sleep.





The intensity of your workouts doesn't matter.

The key to getting the most benefit from your workouts is consistency. Research shows that even moderate-intensity exercise can help you sleep better and longer, so don't worry about working out too intensely or not hard enough to see results. Also, remember that intensity isn’t just about how hard you work out—it’s also measured by how much effort you put into each movement and the amount of time spent exercising (i.e., if you spend an hour walking at a slow pace, that counts as moderate-intensity exercise).


從運動中得到最大的益處的關鍵在於持續性。研究顯示,甚至是中等強度的運動也能讓您睡得更好、更長時間,所以不用擔心運動過於劇烈或不夠努力才能看到效果。同時,請記住,運動強度不僅僅是關於您運動的程度 - 它同樣是由您投入每一項動作的努力以及運動時間的長短來衡量的 (例:如果你花了一個小時慢步走路,那麼這就算是中等強度的運動)。


Exercising every day can help you stay consistent and make it a habit.

Now that you know how exercise helps you sleep better, it's time to put those benefits into action. The best way to start is by making a habit. A habit is something that becomes familiar, automatic, or routine over time. You can do this with exercise by making it part of your daily schedule and sticking with it for months until it feels natural for you—like brushing your teeth every morning and night. That way, when bedtime rolls around, you will go right off into dreamland!

  • Make a goal: Set aside time each day (even if just 10 minutes at first) that's devoted solely to exercising—no matter what! This will ensure that no matter what happens during the rest of the day (you get stuck at work late), there'll always be some downtime scheduled for moving around.

  • Find an activity: There are so many different types of workouts out there: dancing classes; boot camp; martial arts; yoga; CrossFit...the list goes on! Just find something that sounds fun and appealing (or maybe none of those things do). Keep in mind that exercising puts your body under pressure. Thus, you'll need to push yourself regardless of what activity you pick.

  • Schedule your workout session(s): Put them on your calendar just like any other appointment or meeting so there's no question about whether or not they'll happen.

  • Stick with it!: Once those sessions start happening regularly enough that they're automatic/routine/habitual behavior instead of conscious decisions made each day (known as "making" them), congratulations—you've built yourself an exercise habit!


既然您已知道運動如何幫助您睡得更好,現在是時候將這些好處付諸實行。最好的方法就是養成習慣。習慣是隨著時間推移變得熟悉、自動或例行的事物。您可以通過將運動納入您的日常計劃,並堅持幾個月直至對您來說感覺自然而然 — 就像每天早晚刷牙一樣。這樣一來,當睡眠時間到來時,您將迅速進入夢鄉!

  • 制定目標:每天留出一段時間(一開始即使只有10分鐘),專門用於運動 — 不管怎樣!確保無論當天的其餘時間發生了什麼事(例如加班),都會有一段時間安排來活動。

  • 尋找活動:有非常多種不同類型的運動可以選擇:舞蹈課程;訓練營;武術;瑜伽;CrossFit,等等!只需要找到聽起來有趣並具吸引力的活動(或者可能所有這些都不適合)。請記住運動會讓您的身體承受壓力,因此您需要不管選擇什麼活動都要努力推動自己。

  • 安排您的運動時段:將它們列入您的日程表,就像其他任何約會或會議一樣,以確保它們不會被遺漏。

  • 堅持下去!:一旦那些運動開始規律地進行,它們將變成自動/例行/慣性行為,而不是每天都要有意識地去做的選擇(被稱為「制定」它們)。恭喜您,您已成功養成運動習慣!


How you move matters as much as how much you move.

To help you sleep well and feel better, it's important to make sure your body is moving in a way that works for you. That means making sure that you're doing exercises that are flexible enough to adapt to your individual needs without sacrificing safety or effectiveness. For example, if running hurts your knees, don't run! Instead of running, try walking fast on an incline (this can help improve circulation). Or if cycling isn't something you enjoy doing, try swimming laps at the pool instead.

In general:

  • Make sure whatever exercise form you choose is safe for your body - meaning it doesn't cause any pain or discomfort

  • Make sure whatever form of exercise makes sense for who YOU are - this means going at a speed/pace/intensity level that feels right




  • 確保您選擇的任何運動形式對您的身體是安全的 - 也就是說,它不會導致任何疼痛或不適

  • 確保您選擇的運動形式適合您 - 這意味著以您感覺合適的速度/節奏/強度進行


You'll fall asleep easier if you work out in the morning or afternoon.

If you have trouble falling asleep at night and you want to try exercising, exercise in the morning or afternoon. This will help stimulate your brain and trigger it to release more melatonin, which helps induce sleep. If you find that you're having difficulty waking up early in the morning, try exercising later in the day instead.

If you're going to exercise regularly, set a specific time for it every day so that your brain can learn how to fall asleep easily when it's time for bed. Make sure that this time doesn't conflict with any other activities that are part of your daily routine (such as eating dinner), or else those behaviors might disrupt sleep patterns.





A good night's rest is crucial to the benefits of exercise.

A good night’s rest is crucial to the benefits of exercise. Sleep is vital for recovery and repair, memory consolidation, learning new skills, emotional regulation, creativity, and even our emotional well-being. Sleep helps us regulate our mood; it also enables us to learn new skills and have better long-term memory because we are able to consolidate what we have learned during sleep.

In order for you to maximize your performance as well as your fitness gains from an intense workout session or exercise routine, it is important that you get enough quality sleep every night. If you don't get enough quality sleep at night, then these effects can cause problems such as poor muscle growth or decreased strength due to a lack of recovery time within the muscle tissue itself.





Try some gentle stretching after a workout if you're having trouble falling asleep at night.

If you have trouble falling asleep at night, try some gentle stretching after a workout. Stretching helps relax your body, which will help reduce muscle soreness and can also make for a better night's sleep. If you're having trouble winding down in bed, some gentle stretching before bedtime might be just what the doctor ordered!





So there you have it, all the things we have been thinking about. I hope this article has inspired you to in some way to think of your next gift. Don't forget to share any extra ideas you have with us in the comments.





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